Sex and Gender in Medicine. 4th Congress
International Society of Gender Medicine

06.11.2009 bis 08.11.2009
Maritim Pro Arte/Crowne Plaza
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to the 4th congress of the International Society for Gender in Medicine (IGM). We will discuss relevant issues in gender research from a broad spectrum of medical felds, basic and clinical research, health care, prevention and medical education. The congress aims to promote gender research and to network gender researchers all over the world. It is supported by the IGM, its national member societies and the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD). Together with the 6th Symposium on Mechanical Circulatory Support of the DHZB, we will discuss sex/gender in end-stage heart failure, in stem cell function and myocardial recovery. We will present the most recent data from a multi-disciplinary project that aims at the defnition of gender medicine – pilot project gender medicine - and from an European project on curriculum development. We will include oral abstract and poster sessions. We are pleased and honored that highly renowned international experts have followed our invitation to view their scientifc feld through “gender glasses”.

We greatly appreciate receiving your abstracts. We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!
Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, President of Congress
Karin Schenck-Gustafsson, President of IGM
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